All products I intend to sell are NEW.
All products I intend to sell are authentic. Counterfeit, replica, or knock-off products are prohibited on Amazon.
I will not sell glass-filled rubies.
I will not sell any clarity enhanced white diamonds.
I will not price any jewelry item above $125,000.
Any white diamond jewelry containing a single stone that is 0.75 carats or more (rings and pendants) or stones that are greater than 1.0 carats combined (stud earrings) must have a certificate of authenticity from either GIA, IGI, AGS, or GCALGem Certification and Assurance Lab.
Any jewelry containing precious metals, precious gemstones or real pearls, will be required to be listed as Fine Jewelry.
I will adhere to the Fine Jewelry Terms and Conditions.
The fine jewelry application requires submitting sample items for a Jewelry Quality Assurance review. Applications for fine jewelry usually take 6 weeks to process, but may take up to 10 weeks, which includes submitting the required sample items for testing. Further instructions for item testing will be sent to you.
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